You enable us to power lives. Your support allows us to bring technology to those in need, and thereby give them freedom, independence, purpose and most importantly, vital connections.
As of January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024
Kerrianne Haresign, CTA
Alicia McGrail, CTA
Josh Miller, 3Play Media
Benjamin Moultrie
Henry Muyshondt
Mary O’Donnell, RRF Foundation
The following donors have chosen to honor or remember an individual with their tribute donation. To learn more about tribute gifts, please visit our dedicated webpage.
Trevor Alaine
Sally Lange Witkowski
David Kaplan, Bluesalve Partners
John R. and Susan L.F. McLellan
Liora and Levy Gerzberg Family Foundation
David Kaplan, Bluesalve Partners
Lee Cheng, Buchalter APC
Stephen Ewell
Voxx International
Lee Cheng, Symmetry IP
Deena Ghazarian, Target Path
Denise Gibson, Ice Mobility
Sarah Storelli
Kathleen Moran
When you give, you power lives. You power dreams. You power connections. You power livelihoods. You power change.