Modular Communication Interface for Energy Management

CTA's Modular Communication Interface for Energy Management Subcommittee produces standards for Smart Grid connectivity. All are encouraged to join the Modular Communication Interface for Energy Management Subcommittee and get involved in its activities. The subcommittee is particularly interested in adding new members who create Smart Grid connectivity products (called "producers").

Modular Communication Interface for Energy Management Subcommittee and its associated WGs are seeking volunteers for a variety of new work efforts. The committee is seeking interested parties categorized as Users (defined as members who acquire from Producers equipment or services to which the standards, bulletins or other documents apply) and General Interest [defined as neither Producers nor Users. This category may include regulatory agencies (i.e., state, federal), researchers, academia, other organizations and associations, and consumers]. 

Contact to join R7.8 or its working groups.

Modular Communications Interface for Energy Management + Interpretation Letter

To provide clarity on ambiguities in the standard, particularly regarding the behavior of appliances. The interpretation will help ensure that all stakeholders have a consistent understanding of how appliances should operate under the standard. Additionally, it will offer best practices for implementation, which can guide manufacturers and service providers in effectively applying the standard.

Modular Communications Interface for Energy Management

To provide improvements to the standard interface for energy management signals and messages to reach devices. Such devices may include an energy management hub, an energy management controller, an energy management agent, a residential gateway, an energy services interface, a sensor, a thermostat, an appliance, or other consumer products.  

ANSI/CTA-2045-B Amendment 1
Modular Communications Interface for Energy Management

This document is a specification for a modular communication interface. The specification details the mechanical, electrical, and logical characteristics of a socket interface that allows communication devices to be separated from end devices.

CE Energy Usage Information (CE-EUI)

This standard will enable consumer electronic devices to communicate their energy usage information for example over a home network as well as optionally respond to basic demand/response commands.