Health Fitness & Wellness

CTA's Health Fitness & Wellness Committee develops standards, recommended practices, and related documentation for consumer health and fitness technology, including fixed, portable and wearable health and fitness devices. All are encouraged to join the Health Fitness & Wellness Committee and get involved in its activities. The Health Fitness & Wellness Committee is particularly interested in adding new members (called "users" who acquire health & fitness products from those who create them) as well as those with a general interest.

Health Fitness & Wellness Committee and its associated WGs are seeking volunteers for a variety of new work efforts. The committee is seeking interested parties categorized as Users (defined as members who acquire from Producers equipment or services to which the standards, bulletins or other documents apply) and General Interest [defined as neither Producers nor Users. This category may include regulatory agencies (i.e., state, federal), researchers, academia, other organizations and associations, and consumers].

Contact to join R11 or its working groups.

Wearable Sound Amplifier Performance Criteria

This standard establishes technical performance metrices and associated target values for consumer products which provide personal sound amplification (OTC Hearing Aids).

Performance Criteria and Testing Protocols for Features in Sleep Tracking Consumer Technology Devices and Applications

This standard describes events (such as waking up), processes (such as REM sleep) and patterns (such as circadian amplitude), and how to figure out how well a consumer sleep monitoring determines if a person is asleep and, if so, which sleep stage the person is in.

Performance Criteria and Testing Protocols for Breathing Rate – Real World Analysis

This standard extends CTA-2102 to add new protocols for real-world analysis for consumer technology that measures respiration rate.  

Characteristics and Requirements for Anxiety Detection and Monitoring Solutions

This standard will provide guidelines for consumer technologies related to the intervention, monitoring, and assessment of anxiety.  

Characteristics and Requirements for Consumer Continuous Glucose Monitoring Solutions

This standard will provide guidelines and identify best practices for use of consumer CGM solutions in applications beyond diabetes treatment.  

Characteristics and Requirements for Consumer Pulse Oximetry Monitoring Solutions

Specifies terminology and performance requirements related to the measurement of SpO2 in consumer devices.  

Physical Activity Monitoring for Human Gait Biomechanics

This standard defines definitions and performance criteria for measuring motion as a vital sign on consumer wearables and related devices.

Guiding Principles on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Sleep Quality

These guiding principles are intended to provide a voluntary framework for practice and transparency when managing, characterizing, and safeguarding data for artificial intelligence-based applications for improving sleep quality.

Best Practices for Consumer Cardiovascular Technology Solutions: Health Management and Treatment

This document will identify best practices for the use of Consumer Cardiovascular Technology in the application of health management and treatment for cardiovascular conditions. Specifically, this document uses the examples of hypertension management and cardiac rehabilitation to explore the technology use cases, applications, barriers, and challenges.

Best Practices and Performance Requirements for Women’s Health Technologies

This document will provide general best practices when developing technology to ensure women’s health is considered. Best practices will be outlined through the lens of women’s lifecycle (e.g., Perimenopause/menopause and methodologies of measurement).